My 'big' incision where they removed the kidney

Here are a couple of pictures of my incisions, the steri strips are still on there so it's kind of hard to see but there are 6 small incisions total, two are covered with the same tape so it looks like I have 5, and 1 bigger incision where they removed the kidney. I say big, but really it's only a couple of inches. You can see I still have some bruising, but when I first came home it was very very purple. It's clearing up nicely now. You can see there is a small incision on my far left side (right side in photo) this one has kept me from laying on that side.
With the holiday season approaching I am realizing how different things are this year. Last year at this time my father was in a terrible state, and this year he can even eat some of his favorite foods! We put the tree and lights up this weekend and it's great seeing them up, it really brightens my spirits. I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 12th to look over my incisions, and then on the 13th I am flying to Ontario to see my in-laws. I am so excited! Unfortunately my husband was unable to get the time off of work to go, but he insisted I go ahead and spend some time with them, so I am. It's my first time flying and I am a bit nervous, but it's only a 2 hour flight so I will take some gravol and probably sleep. My in-laws are amazing, my sister in-law and brother in-law live close to me but my mother and father in-law moved to Ontario this past August. It was a big move for them and for all of us. They were always sort of the Trunk of the family tree, their house was where we had the dinners and holidays. So it's really strange not having them here, but I will be heading up there in a few days and then we are all driving back down together so that we can all spend Christmas together as a family. I am starting to feel like myself again, I can get up much more easily now and I can move around much better. I actually slept in my bed last night instead of on the couch and it was great! I've had to sleep on the couch because until now I couldn't sleep on either side of my body, only my back and the bed was too hard on my back, but now I can lay a bit on my right side, so I can sleep in my bed again, yay!! My father's creatnine continues to drop which is incredible news and his blood pressure is good as well. He is having a hard time getting used to the regular trips to the bathroom, but is happy about it. My husband has gone away for work for a couple of days so I am sad about that, but with me being on short term and not having received any money yet, we do have to be careful to keep money in the bank and so unfortunately he had to go. I am hoping to hear something about my short term soon, but nothing as of yet. I haven't needed any pain medication which is good and my back pain is slowly getting better. It felt good to be able to help decorate the tree, but I must admit, I was quite sore later that evening. I love the holidays and am happy they are upon us, I just hope I can find the time to get some Christmas cards done. With my husband working, and me not being allowed to drive it makes it hard to get anything done........
Oh, my! How long before you're allowed to drive?! Eeek!
9:00 PM
They estimate 2 weeks, or any time after that when you feel comfortable. 2 weeks will be this thursday, so I think I'll give it a go!
7:24 AM
That's not too bad, 2 weeks. :)
10:44 AM
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