2 Weeks Post Op
Yesterday marked exactly 2 weeks since surgery! Dad and I talked about it last night on the phone and how strange it seems that two weeks ago we were just beggining our recovery. Today, I got paid for my short term. YAY. I can pay my bills!! It's such a huge relief, for those of you who have read my previous posts, you know it was a worry for me. And I think I am allowed to drive now so I might try heading out today to finish Christmas shopping, or I might wait for my husband to come home. It depends on how brave I feel...... Another little exciting tidbit from my recovery, I can actually lay on both sides now when I am trying to sleep. I can lay on either side and that makes it so much more comfortable, although getting on to my side is quite a task, it does take a while. My sister in law was kind enough to drop off a frozen pizza for me yesterday which was good because not being able to go anywhere I was running out of food, and although people were asking me if I needed anything, I didn't want to put anyone out of their way so I said no. But my husband (who is away for work) called my sister in law and told her that I was running low on groceries, so she brought over something for me to eat. She tried to find out what else I needed but I would only accept the pizza. Stubborn I am, but I don't want to be a pain in the ass! My incisions have been itching a bit which I am told is a good thing, but it doesn't feel good. My appointment with my surgeon is only a few days away and I am anxious for him to have a look at my stomach and see what he says. I am hoping he will tell me I can pull off these steri-strips, they aren't physically bothering me, but having them there drives me crazy, I want to take them off! I don't like them. And I would like to take some pictures of the incisions without those strips on there.
I'm glad to hear you got paid your short term disability. I'm sigining up for it at my work, too!
10:45 AM
It makes a big difference, I hope you get it :)
3:06 PM
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