Steady On
Things seem to be going very well. Dad's numbers are all coming back great and he is feeling good. They had to do some fine tuning on his medications, but things are looking good. There is so much happening all around me though, that I think I am walking around in a fuzz all the time. Fortunately the family member who was sick is doing much better, not cured, but hopefully on the way, however unfortunately a friend is now sick and my prayers are with her through everything she is going through. In the midst of all of this, everything that has happened with dad, and me and my family and friends, I have learned how blessed we are for what we have, and the time we have on this earth. I see things so much differently now and my perspective on everything has changed. I get so excited about the little things now, I can't even really call them little things because they are not little to me anymore. A night at home with my husband watching tv curled up together on the couch, a dinner out with my mom, an evening with my dad, everything is so precious to me now because I have seen how fragile life can be and how quickly it can be stolen, or given back. I try to work hard and be a good person, I ask God for the strength to do the right things and I hope that I make the right choices. I have learned that there will always be obstacles in life but how you approach them and how you handle them is what matters, I have learned that there is nothing more amazing than giving someone back their life and wish that I could do it again and again, I have learned that even when you are kind there are people who will shoot you down and make you out to be cruel but that's okay because they are hurting inside for reasons we don't know, I have learned that family consists of more than just your bloodline, I have learned that when it hurts you should accept the offer of the shoulders you will need so badly to cry on and you should never be ashamed to let your tears fall, I have learned that a good book can help you escape somewhere else for a little while when you need to, and most importantly I have learned that when you need them the people who love you will be there no matter what. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me and I hope that I can be there for you in the same way whenever you need it. Someone told me recently that I was their new hero, and that touched my heart in a way they will never know. My biggest hope is that everyone who wants to give to someone in need, can and that they know the joy of watching someone they love, live again. I don't feel like a hero, just a girl who loves her dad, and that's all.
Hi, my name is Elise just wanted to let you know you are a very brave and blessed woman. I myself donated my kidney to my dad on May 17th, 2006 at the Mayo hospital in Phx. AZ, Your blog is great!
3:40 PM
Hi my name is Jim. I am a donor candidate right now for my stepson, he got Good Pasture Disease last June and in 2 weeks he lost both kidneys, he is 24, its a rare disease. The coordinator called me last Friday and said we could proceed, as you can imagine allot is going through my mind,I am 49 father with 4 kids and primarily sole income earner. I know today in church that God was saying it was okay and their is no reason not to give my stepson a normal life. Your story is a great inspiration for anyone who may be considering a transplant and your faith is ever reassuring. Thank you for strengthing my faith to move forward. May God's Peace and Healing continue for you, your dad and your family. Jim H Cicero, Indiana
11:32 PM
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11:36 PM
Hi Amanda,
Your journal is absolutely amazing. I was wondering if you would email me-- I wanted to ask a couple questions about being a living donor. I am 25 years old and am considering becoming a living donor. my email is .
Also, how have you been since March? any side effects from the donation, anything unexpected? and is your father still doing well?
thank you,
4:28 AM
Thank you all for your kind and wonderful comments, I am very touched by your words. Elise, I am happy to hear your donation went well, you truly are an Angel and there is no better gift you could have given your father. Jimh, I am so sorry to hear about your stepson, there are truly no words to express what it is like to watch a loved one go through something so heartwrenching. I understand the thoughts going through your mind right now, there are so many things to consider when you are thinking of becoming a donor. I am honored that my experience has been helpful to you, and know that your faith in God will lead you down the path that is right for you. God Bless you and your family. Feel free to email anytime, if you have questions or just need someone to talk to who has been where you are.
Erin, thank you for your kind words, I am happy to help in any way I can throughout your journey. My hope was that I could help others by sharing my experience and that seems to be what is happening here.
Again thank you all, for your kind words, it means more to me than I can ever tell you. God Bless.
5:02 PM
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